Community Free Lunch
Our newest mission is offering a free community lunch on the third Sunday of each month. Members of the church prepare and serve a variety of meals. The faithfulness and dedication of volunteers and the church’s commitment help make these meals possible. All are welcome to fellowship with us!
Sack Snacks and Hygiene Kits
Our church assembles and distributes snack sacks and health kits to community members in need.
Warming Center
Our church opens our Fellowship Hall when temperatures are predicted to be below 25º for an extended time and/or freezing precipitation is expected for those in Jacksonville who are displaced. Members from our congregation and community volunteer during open times. Hours of operation are 6 pm-8 am.
Other Outreach Projects
Our church takes many collections of food and other items throughout the year that are donated to local schools, “My Little Pantries”, and other organizations in Jacksonville.